If you're not a prom queen or golf pro, you're doomed. 你若不是舞会皇后或者高尔夫高手,你就永无出头之日。
Woods is trying to rebuild his golf reputation after his first year as a pro golfer without a tournament victory and losing his ranking as the top player in the world. 伍兹试图重建他的高尔夫球名誉在他的第一年作为一个专业打高尔夫球的人没有一场比赛胜利并且失去他作为世界第一运动员的排名。
Your original goal was to be a golf pro, right? What happened? 你的最初目标是成为职业高尔夫球选手,对吗?后来发生了什么?
The golf pro is someone who works at a country club, golf course or driving range, that used to be a professional golfer, and now gives golf lessons. 原来是这个意思,是指曾经是很专业的高尔夫球员,现在在一些乡村俱乐部、高尔夫球场做高尔夫培训师。
He went to the golf course to play a round with the local pro. 他去高尔夫球场同本地的职业球员打了一场球。
Fiji's only world-class golf player, Singh turned pro in1982 and was recently ranked as No.1 in the world. 辛格是斐济唯一一名世界级的高尔夫选手,他在1982年成为职业选手,目前世界排名第一。
Zip into the Columbia Men's Golf Pro Plaid Stretch Shell and leave your nine iron at home, unless you're planning on using your golf club as a ski pole. 哥伦比亚男子职业高尔夫球弹力方格布保证你温暖如春。除非你打算使用您的高尔夫球棒作为一个雪杖。
You are trying to create a child with a love of golf no a Tour pro. 父母应该培养孩子对高尔夫的兴趣,而不要只想把孩子培养成职业运动员。
Perhaps more importantly, that bogey may have kept Zhou from earning his elusive China Golf Association pro card. 可能更重要的是,这个柏忌可能让周丧失了他梦寐以求的转职业的机会。